4 Natural Toothpastes You Should Stock Up On
16 Sep

4 Natural Toothpastes You Should Stock Up On

When back-to-school season rolls around, you and your family stock up on everything from clothes to paper and pens. Part of the pleasure comes from having a variety of new things to choose from every day, which got us thinking about the self-care staples we rely on but don’t give much thought to.

You probably use multiple moisturizers throughout the year depending on your skin’s changing needs, but what about your toothpaste? One of the most important items in your dental health routine often gets overlooked or unexamined. Let’s rectify that.

Medicinal Herbs Pack a Punch

Even though most toothpastes rely on mint for flavoring, essential oils and plant extracts, like those found in thyme, juniper, sage, and rosemary are frequently formulated into toothpaste because of their antibacterial properties. Cavities result from increased bacteria, particularly the streptococcus mutans strain.

Researchers have discovered that thymus vulgaris essential oil contains high levels of phenolic compounds that have proven to reduce the bacteria that results in cavities and other oral diseases. Because thyme has such promising results, you’ll find it in this best-selling Total Protection Toothpaste along with juniper oil, which is both antifungal and antibacterial.

Going Fluoride-Free

We’ve all been told that fluoride prevents cavities, and most of us continue to use traditional toothpaste our entire lives, but did you know that your diet also contributes to your body’s fluoride levels? Fluoridated water, and foods prepared with it, can contain up to .24 milligrams in eight ounces. Foods like avocados, canned tuna and shrimp, and even black tea also contain trace amounts of fluoride.

If you and your dental professional agree that switching to a natural toothpaste that utilizes quality extracts and essential oils to freshen your breath and clean your teeth is a good move, then try adding this Natural Eucalyptus Toothpaste to your weekly rotation. We include eucalyptus globulus leaf extract because it has antimicrobial properties and sage for its ability to reduce the formation of plaque.

Is Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Right for You?

Type “black toothpaste” into Google, and you’ll get over 84,000 results, with ads for toothpaste companies topping the list. It may seem like a new trend, but the ancient Romans used charcoal powder to whiten their teeth and freshen their breath. Activated charcoal toothpaste has absolutely nothing in common with the briquettes used in barbecues. It’s actually made when “carbon-rich materials, such as wood, peat, coconut shells, or sawdust” are exposed to extreme heat. Aside from its common use in emergency situations to treat drug overdoses and accidental poisoning, it removes impurities from tap water and can remove stains on your teeth. Researchers continue to seek a definitive answer regarding its whitening abilities and overall impact on dental enamel, so use it in moderation and don’t brush too vigorously. Look for products like Bright White Smile Toothpaste that also contain plaque-fighting sage. For occasional use, it may be just what you need to naturally lighten coffee and tea stains.

Natural Options for Soothing Sensitive Gums

Whether your gums are sensitive by nature or only on occasion, brushing with a traditional toothpaste can be uncomfortable or downright painful. To keep your teeth healthy without aggravating your gums, choose a toothpaste that has soothing ingredients like aloe vera, marigold extract, and lemon balm, like Acca Kappa's Gum Protection Gel Toothpaste. More commonly known for its ability to relieve a painful sunburn and itchy bug bite, aloe vera has delivered positive anti-inflammatory results for patients with gingivitis and also reduces cavity-forming bacteria when included in toothpaste.

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